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Weekdays: Monday-Thursday 6pm to 2am
Weekend: Friday 6pm-Monday 6am
This service is for people in Scotland
Breathing Space Day 2021
This last year has been an especially challenging time, meaning it’s more important than ever to prioritise mental wellbeing.
Making time for activities which help improve mental health such as enjoying nature, listening to music, or staying in touch with friends and family can help.
Breathing Space Day also highlights the support available from our skilled advisors at Breathing Space who provide free, confidential, listening and advice for anyone who is experiencing low mood, anxiety or distress in their lives.
How do you take your breathing space?
Social media assets available to download:
Breathing Space Day Example Posts [PDF, 551KB]
Facebook/ Instagram A [PNG, 3474KB]
Facebook/ Instagram B [PNG, 3751KB]
Facebook/ Instagram C [PNG, 2126KB]
Twitter Feed Gif A (1080×1080) [GIF, 6278KB]
Twitter Feed Gif B (1080×1080) [GIF, 3188KB]
Twitter Feed Gif C (1080×1080) [GIF, 1914KB]
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Breathing Space is available for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16. Childline can provide help and advice about a wide range of issues on 0800 1111 or