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Scotland’s newest ‘Breathing Space’ bench unveiled at Dalmuir station

man standing behind iron bench on train station platform. Bench is black with gold lettering that says take some breathing space in gold.

Breathing Space's Tony McLaren with the new breathing space bench at Dalmuir station.

In a bid to promote positive mental wellbeing, a new ‘breathing space’ bench has been installed at Dalmuir station in Clydebank.

Providing a safe space for people to chat, reflect, and provide support, over 50 benches have already been sited throughout Scotland, with plans to install more throughout 2024.

Breathing Space worked in partnership with Network Rail to install the Dalmuir bench, with support from ScotRail, West Dunbartonshire Council, and the Samaritans. As part of a commitment to prioritise passenger welfare and safety, it is hoped that the introduction of the bench will help mitigate the traumatic impact and emotional repercussions of tragic incidents where mental health has been a factor.

Tony McLaren, National Co-Ordinator for Breathing Space, said:

“Our Breathing Space service is marking its 20th anniversary this year, and the installation of our newest Breathing Space at Dalmuir Station marks another significant milestone.

“This bench acts as a visual reminder to everyone that uses this station that mental health is everyone’s business. It’s ok to not be ok, and should you wish to speak to someone about your distress or anything that is causing you concern, there are people and services such as Breathing Space out there to help you.”

Ross Moran, route director, Network Rail Scotland, said:

“We’re pleased to be able to unveil the new breathing space bench at Dalmuir station.

“This initiative is such an important one and is designed to encourage everyone to sit and reflect, share a bit of time for listening and talking, and to reach out and show kindness and compassion to those who may need it.

“The bench will not only foster a supportive and empathetic atmosphere but will create a sense of unity and understanding among passengers and staff.

“We encourage anyone and everyone who needs to find some breathing space to come and use the bench to think and seek help.”

Watch Scotrail’s video of the Dalmuir bench unveiling on YouTube.

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